Friday, March 14, 2025



“Can He Do That?”

“We’re going to have to see what happens.” That was Donald Trump’s characteristically blank response, at a Sept. 23 White House press conference, to a reporter’s question about whether he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose his bid for reelection six weeks later.

Here to Stay: Braving Barriers through Performance Censorship at the UWM Union Art Gallery

Do you consider yourself an ally to immigrants and artists of color? White viewership’s failure to utilize an intersectional lens when analyzing works of art results in biased interpretations, partial or thwarted exhibition opportunities and hindered diversity in available academic scholarship, which in turn further perpetuates the problem.

Political Cookbooks: An Interview with Kennan Ferguson

Kennan Ferguson, professor of political science at UWM and former director of C21, has just published Cookbook Politics (Penn Press, 2020), an exploration of cookbooks as political objects. In it, Ferguson argues that cookbooks highlight aspects of our lives we rarely recognize as political—taste, production, domesticity, collectivity, and imagination—and...

Black Lives Matter Solidarity Statements at UWM

The Center for 21st Century Studies (C21) has for more than 50 years been committed to fostering innovative research at the intersection of the humanities, arts and sciences and supporting University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee faculty and graduate students. In keeping with this mission C21 is collecting statements of solidarity issued...

A Long Slippery Slope

In a commencement speech to Kenyon College, David Foster Wallace tells a story that sounds like this: “There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, “Morning, boys. How’s the water?”

Dialogues on Freedom – A Conversation Between Antonio Gramentieri and Pietro Saitta

Originally published in Gagarin Magazine (Italy), this interview has been reprinted here with permission. Antonio Gramentieri, aka Don Antonio, is a musician, producer, and journalist. He has worked, as a studio engineer or a musician, with artists such as David Hidalgo, Jim Keltner, Evan Lurie, Marc Ribot, John Convertino, Giant...

The Longer Arc of COVID History

The short story of the U.S. 21th century is the tale of four disasters. The first was the response to the 9/11 attacks in 2001–the invasion and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the ensuing era of permanent war and suffering in the greater Middle East. The second was the failed response to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

Post-Media Virality: When We Are the Medium (of the Virus)

by Angela Maiello Angela Maiello is an Italian media scholar, editor, and translator of Radical Mediation: Cinema, Estetica, e Tecnologie Digitali, (Cosenza, Italy: Pellegrini Editor, 2017). She originally published her essay in Italian at Fata Morgana Web; she has translated it for publication here. The restrictive measures we are living through these days...

The Trump Show: Terrorism and Total Mediation

By Richard Grusin (Director of the Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Mid-way through the Trump presidency, it seems apparent that the greatest terrorist threat to American social and political order is not radical Islamism, cyber warfare, migrants, or climate change, but the threat of Trump’s tweets. We often...

Erasing Sex Variance: How a Proposal for HHS to Delegitimate Gender Transition Harms People Born Intersex

By Dr. Cary Gabriel Costello (Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of LGBT+ Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) *The following blog post originally appeared on The Intersex Roadshow and is reprinted here with permission. A memo was recently leaked from the Department of Health and Human Services. In it, the HHS defines...

Lonely No More!

When the Walls Talked

By Laya Liebeseller Talking Walls marked the beginning of something new at C21. It was the first of what would become a series of gallery...

Lonely No More! in the Archive

By Eli Frank I began this summer’s Archive Fellowship ruminating on the historical intimacies between C21’s institutional history and my own research project. Both C21...

6.5 Minutes With… Keramet Reiter

Professor Keramet Reiter gives some detail about the consequences of solitary confinement, and begins to frame a longer discussion for thinking about changes in...

Robot Dogs Can Help Seniors Cope…

Author Sassafras Lowery Description In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, seniors--one of the most vulnerable populations to the illness--are more isolated than ever before. Ageless Innovation,...

Decolonizing Extinction

Author Juno Salazar Parreñas Description In Decolonizing Extinction Juno Salazar Parreñas ethnographically traces the ways in which colonialism, decolonization, and indigeneity shape relations that form more-than-human worlds at orangutan...

Marking Time

Author Nicole R. Fleetwood Description More than two million people are currently behind bars in the United States. Incarceration not only separates the imprisoned from their families...

Connecting, Humanizing, and Healing Through Music with Esteemed Violinist Vijay Gupta

Host Baktash Ahadi Description In this episode, we discuss loneliness and brokenness, and the power of music to be the catalyst for connection and healing. Vijay shares...

23/7: Pelican Bay Prison and the Rise of Long-Term Solitary Confinement

Author Keramet Reiter Description Originally meant to be brief and exceptional, solitary confinement in U.S. prisons has become long-term and common. Prisoners spend twenty-three hours a day...

Animals’ Best Friends

Author Barbara J. King Description As people come to understand more about animals’ inner lives—the intricacies of their thoughts and the emotions that are expressed every day...

Flying Kites

Contributors THE STANFORD GRAPHIC NOVEL PROJECT 2018-2019: Candice Kim, Katherine Liu, Lily Nilipour, Sarah Shourd, Lucy Zhu, Peter DiCampo, Danial Shadmany, Nik Wesson, Elena Kamas,...