Thursday, March 27, 2025

Art Exhibit

In the Spring 2022 semester, the Center for 21st Century Studies (C21) hosted a series of events for Lonely No More!: The making and unmaking of loneliness, isolation, and connectedness. Roundtable discussions, short-form podcasts, and an Interactive Book Club anchored the programming which focused on the infrastructural, nonhuman, and carceral dimensions of loneliness. A story-collecting survey circulated across social media from January to February 2022 jump-started the symposium.

The survey results went on to inspire this exhibition. Featuring seventeen pieces by local, national, and international artists, Lonely No More! is a meditation on the ways loneliness and connectedness can be expressed through visual art, audio, and poetry.

Loneliness is a longing for connection

Loneliness does not equate to being alone. Stories collected in the survey emphasized this in the many responses that recalled moments of loneliness while around or with other people. Over 10% of respondents described that their loneliest moments were times around partners, children, and friends.

Fox Valley Memory Cafe

UWM Children's Learning Center

Greenwood Senior Center

Andrew Mathwick

Mutuality is an important factor in connection

The moments and stories of connection focused on the importance of mutuality and sharing. Respondents described connection as giving oneself to another, being vulnerable with others, and feeling valued in those moments of vulnerability.

Fátima Fernandes
da Silva

Susmita Yadav

Sohini Chatterjee

Margaret Stetz

Rachel Ida Buff

Coffee and Tea

Coffee, tea, and coffee shops made appearances in both the “connection” and “transition from isolation to connection” stories from the Lonely No More! survey. Respondents noted that hot beverages helped in efforts to reconnect, even in moments of isolation.

Slobodon Dan Paich

Steve Burnham

Being in nature and general exercise help reset or recenter people

Access to the outdoors proved important for making the transition from loneliness to connectedness. Over 14% of respondents described their best loneliness relief tactic as taking a walk. The majority of these answers alluded to interacting with animals, the outside, or nature.

Rebecca Kautz

Jessica Meuninck-Ganger

Teddy Dean
Lepley III

Anna Emerson

Emilie B. Lindemann


Lonely No More! in-person film screenings will take place at the exhibition opening (September 22nd, 4:30-7:00 PM) and Wednesdays before C21 Conversations (11:30AM-12:00 PM) across the academic year. Films are also available to view online (Password: lnm@C21).

Amin Heidari

Maayan Amir
Ruti Sela
