Each year the Center for 21st Century Studies hosts a spring conference revolving around an emergent or important theme in contemporary humanities research. You can find information about recent and upcoming conferences below.

Previous Conference Programs
You can also view complete conference programs for earlier years’ conferences below:
- DEBT Conference (April 29-May 1, 2010)
- Since 1968 (October 23-25, 2008)
- In Terms of Gender: Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (May 4-5, 2007)
- In/Dependence: Disability, Welfare, and Age (April 7, 2006)
- Art of the State: Sovereignty Past and Present (October 21-22, 2005)
- Routing Diasporas (April 8-9, 2005)
- Museums and Difference (November 14-15, 2003)
- 9/11: Reconstructions (October 4-5, 2002)
- Just Feelings: Citizenship, Justice, and the Emotions (April 27-28, 2001)
- Representing Animals (April 13-15, 2000)
- Knowing Mass Culture/Mediating Knowledge (April 29 – May 1, 1999)
- Anthropology, Genetic Diversity, and Ethics (February 12-13, 1999)
- Public Showing (April 16-18, 1998)
- Biotechnology, Culture, and the Body (April 24-26, 1997)
- Women and Aging: Bodies, Cultures, Generations (April 18-20, 1996)